1. Our vision is seeing God magnified and revered by this body, and Jesus Christ firmly seated as the head of our church. In all things, He will be preeminent.
  2. Our vision is a church that values and upholds the Word of God as authoritative truth. It will permeate the lives of our families as training for godly living and be proclaimed to our neighbors as saving truth. Our lives will be an open Bible as we live out God’s eternal Word in our community.
  3. Our vision is a multi-cultural church with an Indonesian heritage. Our vision is a mission – a mission begun by Indonesian immigrants to Houston in 1990 to support the spiritual needs of their people. The vision has expanded to include people of all nations living in the Houston area, especially those with a connection or affection to Indonesia.
  4. Our vision is a home for Indonesian and other immigrants as well as American born Christians who view one another as brothers and sisters in Christ – a home where life is shared and comfort and encouragement can be found through fellowship with one another in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  5. Our vision is for the next generation, our sons and daughters, to be fully equipped to be Christian leaders by the time they leave home wherever God may lead them.
  6. Our vision is seeing families in our community transformed by faith at home. We want to raise up parents who can lead their families as primary faith trainers. We envision this body of believers coming alongside these parents, encouraging, and equipping them.
  7. Our vision is a community of believers committed to service inside the church body, in the greater Houston community, and to the world. It is a community that puts others ahead of ourselves and is known far and wide for producing genuine servant leaders. This will be accomplished through daily group prayer and Bible reading, Spiritual Cohorts, service in the local community, and mission trips to the world.
  8. Our vision is that the world will be impacted by the missionaries we support, as well as our own traveling to the uttermost regions. We will impact the world, beginning in Houston, for Jesus Christ.
  9. Finally, our vision is to see our church expanded as God leads us to facilities which will support our vision. We will be good stewards of whatever God entrusts to us and will use it for His glory. At FIBC, the best is yet to be!